Have A Happy Pregnancy By Following These Tips

Pregnancy is supposed to be such a joyous and magical time, but sometimes, it's hard and can be quite rough on our bodies. Stretch marks, swollen feet, nausea, heartburn and feeling tired, are just a few of the wonderful gifts that come along with pregnancy. This article will give you some tips for coping with the darker side of pregnancy.

To avoid nighttime heartburn while pregnant, eat your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed. Reclining just after eating will lead to increased acid reflux and heartburn. Also, use extra pillows to elevate your head and upper back above the level of your abdomen to reduce symptoms.

When you're pregnant, it's important that you continue to get regular exercise. This reduces your chances of miscarriage and your hours in labor, and also it makes getting back to your pre-pregnant form faster after delivery.

When you are going to get any type of testing done, make sure to let the doctor know that you are expecting a child. Many chemicals and processes that you come in contact with while you are pregnant can cause adverse harm to the child or complications with your pregnancy.

It is important that a woman takes folic acid during the first three month's of her pregnancy. Folic acid helps create a strong nervous system for the baby and prevents Neural Tube Defects, including Spinal Bifida and Cleft Palate. For women who do not want to take a folic acid pill, you can find it naturally in green vegetables, rice, and peas.

Just because you are pregnant does not mean you should forget about your partner. You partner is probably excited and nervous too; therefore, it is important to share experiences and reassure them during your pregnancy. Try to be together more often, even if it means going for a short walk or seeing a movie. Make sure you enjoy the time given you before your new baby arrives.

Decide if you want to use a Douala when giving birth. If you do, start talking to some that are local. Douala's can help you have a shorter birth, and one that is more satisfying and safe then going the traditional route. Don't let someone talk you into doing this, it needs to be 100% up to you.

During your pregnancy it is important gynecologist near me to get a full nights rest. Stress can be a major cause of not being able to sleep. If you are feeling stressed, find someone that you can talk to about the problems that you are having. Pregnancy can be a stressful thing and you should always talk about the things that are causing you stress.

Try babysitting a friend's baby to get more comfortable with caring for a newborn. Having some hands on experience will help you feel more comfortable with the impending birth of your new baby. Don't take off more than you can chew though as you get farther along in your pregnancy.

Take breastfeeding classes and bone up with some books prior to giving birth. Breastfeeding is best for baby but there can be a lot of pitfalls along the way that could sabotage your progress. Taking a class prior to having to actually breastfeed, will help you be calmer and more in control of feeding your new baby.

If you find it hard to stick to a healthy diet during pregnancy, ask your partner to join you as you change your old eating habits to new healthy ones. It is always easier to make the right choices when you have a helpful partner to support you. Both of you will see the benefit of eating more vegetables, whole grains and fruit.

A multivitamin is a workhorse during pregnancy. Make sure and take them every day. Multivitamins provide essential folic acid for the developing baby. They also can reduce the risk of preeclampsia by 45% when taken regularly. Set yourself a reminder in your phone or with notes to take it on a regular basis.

Don't stop exercising simply because you become pregnant, unless instructed by a doctor. Low impact exercises such as walking and swimming are good for your heart and overall muscle strength; this will lessen back pain and help during labor and delivery.

When trying to become pregnant, charting your menstrual cycles may help you pinpoint your ovulation date, which is the time you have the best chance of conceiving. There are a variety of online charting sites as well as smartphone apps that can help you keep track of your periods, mood fluctuations, symptoms and other information.

To increase the chances of conception track your monthly cycles. This will help you determine when your egg is released. If timing intercourse with egg release seems to robotic, just have intercourse a few times a week. Many couples find this to be a less stressful way to conceive.

When you are pregnant, you will want to let someone else clean out your precious cat's litter box. This is because there is a parasite in cat feces that causes toxoplasmosis. This parasite is also found in rare or raw meat. This can lead to serious illness, miscarriage, premature birth or even worse. So cook your meat well, and let your loved one clean the litter box.

As stated in the beginning of this article, even though pregnancy is supposed to be a magical time, it also has its dark side. Coping with all the terrible side effects can be tough. Hopefully, this article has given you some helpful ideas for battling the "bad side" of pregnancy.

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